It's Time To Level Up…

All-in With Family,

Crushing It In Business

Investing In Yourself, Your Marriage, Family & Business At Once

The Forge is a community of men intentional and engaged with their wives and children, while doing their work with excellence.

We are committed husbands and intentional fathers impacting the marketplace & shaping culture.

Desire A Stronger Marriage, Connection in Your Family & Business Success?


Ever felt like you're burning the candle at both ends? The man in the mirror is a shadow of what you were made for. There's a better way. We embrace a focus on a healthy self - heart, soul, mind & strength - so we can show up and lead others well. Invest in yourself - it's the greatest return! Wholeness is greatness!


What good is it to hustle and build up a big bank account only to come home to bankrupt relationships? Your family needs you more than ever in this world we live in. We support men who want to grow as a dad to enjoy life-long relationship with their kids. Become an intentional father today!


The world needs more committed men leading their marriages well. Your wife desires your attention and affection. The resources and accountability we deliver helps you have a strong and healthy marriage. Marriage is the foundation of a great man impacting the world - and it starts at home.


It's time to design the business you want around the lifestyle you desire. Don't let the business run you and your schedule. We equip you with tools, resources and connections to help you make more and work less. Work ON your business, not just IN it. Get ready for more time and financial freedom.

The Tools You Need To Steward An Intentional Marriage, Family & Business 

Improving Yourself, Invested in Your Family & Growing Your Business



A man who leads himself well will prioritize his spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health. Investing in yourself pays unlimited dividends to lead others well.


A healthy marriage is the foundation to your success. A committed husband consistently invests in his marriage and pursues his wife for a deep, thriving relationship.


An intentional father is present and consistently loving. He leads with connection and influence to raise confident, healthy kids...who go onto become effective adults.


A business professional brings integrity, character, value and excellence to the marketplace. He shapes culture, builds wealth and makes generational impact.


Online Community of

Like-Minded Men

Online Masterminds &

In-Person Retreats

1-on-1 Coaching &

Travel Experiences

About Us

Michael McGreevy



Chris Niemeyer




Justin P.

Lansing, Michigan

"You will grow and learn and become who you are meant to be, and have a network of like minded people who will be there for support and guidance through it!"

Jeff M.

Buffalo, New York

"Within a few weeks I had a better vision of where I wanted to go. The Forge created a sense of accountability that kept me working towards my goals.

Worth every dime!"

Jordan P.

Scottsdale, Arizona

"The breakthroughs in my mindset and light-bulb moments in this group are really helpful for me. I've worked with a number of groups and coaches - The Forge is by far the best!"

4 Simple Ways To Win The

Love & Respect Of Your Family


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